Today I give thanks for it all,
Though I do not understand much of what I see,
I surrender anyway....
I trust in the Goodness of Life,
I open to the One that breathes me,
To the One who has given me one more day.
To feel so alive and free.
Though I do not understand much of what I see,
I surrender anyway....
I trust in the Goodness of Life,
I open to the One that breathes me,
To the One who has given me one more day.
To feel so alive and free.
~ Flora Aube
आज मैं कृतज्ञ हूँ सब के प्रति
यद्यपि न जानती सब देखता जो
समर्पित हूँ फिर भी ..
है सुदृढ़ विश्वास जीवन है सुन्दर
हूँ प्रस्तुत उसे जो है श्वांस मेरा
उसे जिसने दिया जीवन फिर और एक दिन
कर सकूँ महसूस जीवंत औ मुक्त जिस से

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